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Top 5 Workout-Ready Makeup Products

- Beauty, Fitness

Since I joined Equinox, I started to want more out of things. My fitness club gave me everything I wanted (and things I didn’t even know I needed, like Kiehls products and a spa), so why shouldn’t other aspects of my life. I wanted to eat better and have the food that goes in my body give me more nutrients than it did before. I wanted quality investment pieces in my wardrobe so I get more wear out of my…

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Found Myself a CHRLDR

- Collaborators, Fitness

  Countdown with me: 81 days. 81 days 6 hours. 81 days 6 hours 47 minutes (and counting) until SUMMER! Contrary to my typical procrastination ways, I’m getting a head start on my summer body prep this year and there’s no better way to feel motivated to get fit than to do it in style with CHRLDR.           As a college student, my second skin is activewear (it just comes with the territory), and I’m not complaining.…

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